Recently I have been fascinated by the plant Hemp. Hemp clothing, benefits and history is amazing when you find out its impacts in human civilization, in ancient times and today.
Hemp plant and human have few things in common. For instance, fatty acid and amino acid profiles in Hemp is identically aligned with human DNA. Inevitably, we can use Hemp in our daily life to eat it, use it as clothing, fuel, in construction, for medicine, research and much much more.
Specially at this time and age, Climate change has become an existential crisis and Plastics and synthetic waste are causing severe Ocean pollution. As a result, marine life are appearing on alarming photographs. Hemp is a plant that might provide alternatives for our consumption and offset for our carbon footprint. For this reason, we should reopen the book of hemp and understand how hemp benefited us in the past. At the same time, how we can benefit from it for the future.
Why is hemp beneficial for the planet?
Hemp is Carbon Negative. In other words, more carbon is taken out of the atmosphere by growing the plant than is emitted as a result of its production and use. Therefore, using more of it is actually good for the planet. This good plant that has more than 50,000 known uses and benefits. We can make varieties of products like textiles, clothing, shoes, food, paper, bio-plastics, insulation and bio-fuel with Hemp.
Hemp Plan Uses & Benefits
1. Everything plastic can do, Hemp can do much better – in an earth friendly way. Hemp Clothing being an awesome alternative to synthetic fabrics.
2. It is one of the fastest growing plants and does not need pesticides or harmful chemical to grow.
3. This Good Plant nourishes the soil as it grows and can be grown consecutively for over twenty years without the soil being affected
4. 1 acre of hemp can produce more oxygen than 25 acres of current forest.
5. The roots of the hemp plant are like tentacles reaching out deep under the earth which prevents erosion of topsoil.

Hemp Benefits History and Clothing
What is the History of Hemp and Human Civilization?
Hemp is far from a new discovery. In fact, it has a very long relationship with Human Civilization. History suggests that hemp may have even been one of the very first plants that human cultivated on a mass scale.

We have cultivated hemp for over 10,000 years and has been an important source of food and fiber since ancient times. Our ancestors used hemp to make ropes, papers, clothing, food and medicine.
In ancient China, they used Hemp as a tool for warfare, woven into bowstrings for soldiers.
Before that, in Hindu sacred text Atharvaveda (Science of Charms) Hemp is named “Sacred Grass”; one of the five sacred plants of India.
The American History of Hemp

Hemp Timeline
Levi jeans were originally made from hemp sailcloth for gold-miners in California. Ford built a Hemp plastic car which ran on hemp fuels. However recently, hemp went through a low phase. 1937: The Marijuana Tax Act placed a tax on all cannabis sales which included hemp and significantly reduced hemp production. 1957: Our farmers planted the last commercial hemp fields in Wisconsin. 1970: The Controlled Substances Act classified hemp as an illegal Schedule I drug. 2004: DEA permanently protected sales of hemp foods and body care products in the U.S. 2007: The first hemp licenses in over 50 years was granted to two North Dakota farmers. 2018: President Trump signs the bill into law on Dec 20, 2018 which removed the hemp plant and its derivatives from the Controlled Substances Act. [Source] That was one big win for the Human Civilization!!

Hemp Benefits History and Clothing
How can I benefit from hemp?
We can benefit from hemp in massive ways, like elimination carbon footprints of an Airplane. Believe me this is less far-fetched than it sounds. Hempearth, a Canadian company designed the very first Hemp Plane which is made and fuels on Hemp. With a wingspan of 36 feet, it has capacity for one pilot and four passenger. [Source]
This goes on to show the potential of this plant. Hemp clothing, oils and paper more commonly seen in retail, but there are so many more usage and benefits of Hemp.
Hemp Seeds
We can use Hemp seeds to make body care products, dietary supplement, protein powder, paint, oil, beer etc etc. It has lots of nutrients. More importantly, it is natural and 100% organic.
Hemp Stalk
Hemp stalks are so versatile we can make clothes, insulation, card board an so much more. It is used pretty much as an alternative to synthetic and plastics. Hemp Clothing are very beneficial too. They are UV protect-ant, mold-resistant, anti-microbial and extremely durable.

Hemp roots are used for medicine and organic compost. The roots of the hemp plant are like tentacles reaching out deep under the earth which prevents erosion of topsoil. This plant can literally hold the earth together.Flowers
Since last few decades, scientists have been using Hemp Flowers and leaves for medicine and many research purpose. On the other side, farmers have also used them for animal feed, compost and so on.Why Hemp Clothing?
Hemp being a natural fiber, is naturally better than synthetic clothing. It can be produced sustainably at mass scale, without any harmful chemicals or pesticides.- Hemp clothing protects your skin and naturally filters UV light.
- The fabric resists bacterial growth and breathes excellently, preventing odors.
- It’s fiber has four times the strength of cotton.
- Hemp clothes won’t weaken when washed, it, in-fact, becomes softer.
- It retains color better than any other fabric.
- The Good Plant, uses almost no water to grow (i.e can usually be rain-fed) and it uses only 1/20th the amount of water as regular cotton to process.
- Hemp Clothing will last you for years and will bio-degrade in months.
Why do I promote Hemp Clothing
It must be obvious by now that I am an advocate for hemp plant and hemp clothing. And it is hard not be be one, once you start looking at the increasing research and evidences of Hemp benefits. Now with Hemp being legally recognized across the globe once again, it is about time we bring it to everybody. So that we can soak on hemp benefits, just like our forefathers. Win-win-win for the Plant, People and the Planet. The reason we extensively use hemp for our products is because of just that.Our Hemp and Organic Cotton Socks
The hemp used to create our socks is eco-friendly and cultivated without any chemical fertilizers or pesticides. We dye them with natural dye to get those subtle and earthy colors. After that, it gets mixed with our organic cotton. Then our talented artisan hand weave them to perfect snug and warmth. Finally, we put them together in reusable travel pouch for little stuff in life.
Check out our hemp and organic cotton socks detail page below!
Comment below what hemp products you have used and what do you about them?
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