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Sound Sleep – How To Fall Asleep Faster.

Sleeping is enjoyable, relaxing, unknowing, and necessity in everyone’s life. Where adults need over seven hours of sleep, kids need anywhere from 8 to 12 hours of sleep. Good amount of sleep is critical to avoid abnormalities. For those of us who wants to ride the behemoth and know how to to fall asleep faster and better read on to find how to find exactly that.
One of the vital roles of sleep is to help us solidify and consolidate memories. As we go about our day, our brains take in an incredible amount of information. Rather than being directly logged and recorded, however, these facts and experiences first need to be processed and stored; and many of these steps happen while we sleep. Overnight, bits and pieces of information are transferred from more tentative, short-term memory to stronger, long-term memory—a process called “consolidation.” Researchers have also shown that after people sleep, they tend to retain information and perform better on memory tasks. Our bodies all require long periods of sleep in order to restore and rejuvenate, to grow muscle, repair tissue, and synthesize hormones said National Sleep Foundation. In this article, we battle through various ways to perfect sleep cycle.
Person fall asleep faster

Sleep Approach

However confusing or mysterious it may be sleeping is something what most of the we do everyday. Those of us who need ideas to feel better in bed, here are some different approaches for help.

Ayurvedic Approach

What is Ayurveda ?  Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word It represents system of medicine. It focuses on the idea of reaching & maintaining balance in our bodily systems. It is a system that uses herbal treatments, diet, and yoga breathing techniques to keep our body in perfect balance. Most importantly Ayurveda provides many proven, traditional and time tested solutions important to aid sleep effectiveness.
How to fall asleep faster - wash feet with cold water before bed.

Washing feet with cold water before bed and taking 1/2 rice grain size Asafetida is believed to ease one to sleep. 

Taking couple gram mixture of Ginger, Pipal Powder, and Himalaya Black Salt is believed to help over time.  

ginger helps to fall asleep faster
How to fall asleep faster - drink Warm Milk with pinch of nutmeg

Drinking warm milk with pinch of Nutmeg will bring relaxation which will allow fast and sound sleep. Add pinch of cardamom for flavor. Milk naturally contains substances that induces sleep. In contrast Ayurveda does not favor cold milk.

Gently massaging of scalp and plantar area with Ayurveda ghee.

Massage Oil helps to fall asleep faster
Brahmi an Ayurvedic herb has over 3,000 years of history. Traditionally it was used to aid memory, learning, and concentration. This herb is believed to aid brain functioning and helps to calm nervousness & restlessness. Equally important this herb helps the body to cope with stressful situations by calming the mind and promoting relaxation. In the same way this plant aids intellect & consciousness for longevity. Use less than 2 grams of dry powder of this plant with warm milk for a duration of a week before bed to feel the better sleep cycles.  Some of the other useful Ayurvedic herbs are:
  • Plant: Aswagandha
    • Form: Powdered
    • Dose: 3 gm
    • Take with: Ghee & Sugar before meal.
    • Duration: 1 Week
  • Plant Jatamansi:
    • Form: Powdered
    • Dose: <1gm
    • Take with: Warm milk after meal.
    • Duration: 1 Week
  • Plant Mandukparni:
    • Form: Powdered
    • Dose: <2 gm
    • Take with: Warm milk.
    • Duration: 1 Week

Yogic Approach 

Yoga has been proven to be beneficial for many different things including, sleep being no stranger. Yogic exercises definitely help sleep cycles with peace of mind. Here are a few yoga practices that will aid in reducing sleeplessness. We recommend all to perform following yoga practices under the supervision and guidance of qualified Yoga therapists.

Yoga helps to fall asleep faster
  • Practice of Pranayama. Prana – Breath, Yama – Exercise mainly involves breathing exercises. These exercises will make breathing easy when it comes time to sleep. Few sleep exercise to name are:  Anuloma-Viloma, Ujjai, Bhramari. 
  • Meditation along with the practice of Yama and Niyama.
  • Yoga practice involving deep relaxation techniques. Example: Yoga Nindra. 
Some of the beneficial yoga poses that helps sleep cycle.
    • Tadasana, 
    • Suryanamaskara, 
    • Padmasana
    • shavasana
    • Mandkasana, 
    • Bhujangasana, 
    • Matsyasana
    • Paschimottanasana 
Yoga helps sleep cycle

Conventional Approach To Sleep

Some well practiced and conventional techniques to make sleeping an easy & fun daily activity are:

  • Putting phones & other digital devices away from the reach will help reduce sleep distractions.
sleep correlation to mobile phone use
  • Looking around your sleep area & bedroom, trying to find & remove things that might be getting in the way of a good night’s sleep.
  • Blocking off excess bright light & moderating temperature to feel comfortable will help sleeping faster. 
trying to fall asleep but lights disturb
  • Posture is important, be aware of your posture and adjust accordingly to keep overall body straight.
  • Babies can sleep comfortably in more postures than adults. 
  • For expecting moms sleeping on sides is recommended.
  • Try to ease your mind, let go of heavy thoughts and concentrate in one happy thought,
  • Discovering a get fast to sleep method for those sleepless nights can become very beneficial, for instance, some have found counting down numbers best way to fall sleep faster.
  • Dinner time also makes a lot of difference, eating about 3 hours before going to bed is recommended.
dinner clock to fall asleep faster
falling asleep and dinner time
  • A short evening walk bit after dinner also helps to prepare for long night sleep.
  • Balance is the key, trying to eat balanced healthy meal, exercising daily and waking up early will help improving sleep cycle.

We hope that the above techniques would help all readers, most importantly to have a sound relaxing sleep. Please do not forget to comment on techniques that have worked for you so that other readers get the opportunity to use methods that have worked for you.

I will leave you with a link to our other blog on Eco-friendly Christmas gift ideas!!

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