Eco-friendly Christmas gift ideas.
CategoriesClimate Change Eco-Products Organic Clothing

The Green Stocking – Eco-friendly small gift ideas for Christmas.

Eco-friendly Christmas gift ideas.

Christmas- is probably everyone’s favorite time of the year. And why shouldn’t it be? We have time off, we can hang out with friends and family, we eat and drink, and of course, the long list of Christmas gift ideas and the Presents.

I, however, am feeling a little different this year. As I scroll through pages of Amazon to find the best and unique and cheap and trendy and useful gifts, I thought about all other million people who are also buying intensely for Christmas. So I did a little research. Turns out that I was statistically in-sync with the 3 out of 10 U.S. shoppers, who start their Christmas shopping in November. The other 6 out of 10 buy their gifts in the week before Christmas. There is no denying that we go I a little overboard on Christmases. Last year, During the holiday season, sales surpassed $1 trillion in the US with each family spending an average of $1,536 during the Christmas holiday period. That’s massive! if I compare that to my paycheck.

Green Christmas Inspirations

Here is a little backstory. Recently I was hit in the face by a little girl called Greta. Greta Thunberg, teen environmental activist spoke at the United Nations and boy that changed my life! She said to the world,

                “You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words and yet I’m one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are at the beginning of mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairytales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!”


I could not help but feel guilty as if she was calling me out. I have lived most of my life trying to live a richer life, make more money, buy a bigger house, and nice clothes. But what is it worth if the planet is paying for it? If my extravagance is causing someone else to suffer, how is that richness? She was young but she was right.

How to celebrate Earth friendly Christmas

Now two months in, I have been trying to live more sustainably and find eco-friendly alternatives for my everyday consumption. And Christmas shopping is the next big step on this journey. How can I make it simple yet memorable? Should I cook plant-based food for my guests? Can I buy fewer gifts and when I do buy, can I buy sustainable stuff for them? This can be a way for me to promote conversation around climate change and to introduce them to the possibility that they can make a difference too.

So as I scrolled through pages of Amazon I put one extra filter “Eco-friendly”. I decided, whatever Christmas gift ideas come in my mind or whatever I buy this Christmas, I will make sure they are organic, sustainable and eco-friendly. It was good to know that there were many companies, big and small, focusing now on sustainability. Few statistics were especially eye-catching, I have put them below.

Eco-friendly Christmas Gift ideas

And today, after Scroll Blowing Amazon for hours, gathering Christmas gift ideas. I bring to you the result of my treasure hunt. Perfect for a small eco-friendly Christmas spurge:



Bamboo as a plant is naturally pest resistant, antifungal, antibacterial, and regrows to its adult size in 3 to 5 years. It absorbs 5 times more carbon dioxide than similar plants.

Bamboo products are eco-friendly and 100% biodegradable.

This is a nice way to show that you can have good things in life, and they can be sustainable too.

You can use it to host your vegan party or gift it other who love hosting.

Do you know they make vegan Cheese too?

Indoor herb growing kit makes a fun present for virtually anyone.

Every kitchen looks better with fresh herbs and plants on the counter-tops and windowsill. It will also look great in your balcony or patio. And it is a unique way to add food to your planters and spice up your mealtime with a little gourmet flavor from your own home gardens!

It will be a way to connect to the ecosystem and be closer to nature. Let’s say this is a starter kit for living off-the-grid.

PS- Don’t forget to check that the seeds are  Certified USDA Organic Non GMO seeds!

Under 20 dollar

Under 25 Dollar

What is Christmas without someone in the family getting socks as a present. Socks are to Christmas what Hotdogs are to the Ball Game

Everyone wears socks and I think this is one thing all of us should be willing to switch to sustainable alternative. It will be worth a lot more than the few extra bucks you pay.

Organic cotton and hemp socks are widely available. Hemp is one of the strongest and most durable of all natural textile fibers and will last for years, and yet it is completely biodegradable and decomposes in 3-6 months.

Growing hemp is fairly sustainable too because it does not need pesticides at all and significantly less water compared to other crops like regular cotton.

Did you know Hemp is carbon negative? Growing hemp removes more carbon out of the atmosphere, than is emitted as a result of its production. It removes 1.63 tons of CO2 per ton of hemp.

At this point, we should not be seeing people with single-use plastic cups and bottles at all.

These bamboo tumblers are perfect for those multi-cups-a-day-drinkers and they are just as good as water bottles too.

Carrying these around will be an advocate for sustainability, which we should all be.

A great addition to the Christmas gift ideas list.

Under 25 dollar



Canvas is another great alternative to synthetic fibers, especially for bags. Historically made from hemp, modern canvas can be from cotton or linen as well.

These lunch bags are plastic free, and free of any animal-based materials such as leather or beeswax.

Not only that, this gift will also encourage eating home cooked lunch and consequently, Save money!



Eggnog anyone?


Reusable Straws deserve a permanent compartment in your cutlery cabinet, coz we will not be disposing plastic straws anymore.

They are great for Eggnogs, sipping warm cocoa by the fire as well as for your Christmas cocktails

Under 10 dollar

Under 20 Dollar

As I mentioned above, hemp is one fascinating fabric and coz it is carbon negative, more hemp product we use, better it is for the environment.

These beanies are gender neutral too.

I got this last Christmas for my husband. Although we were not vegan then, we loved trying out the new recipes.

Here are two benefits of buying cookbook for Christmas,

  1. It’s a great present!
  2. What gift says “how about make me dinner” better than a cookbook?

If you are not ready to give up meat, that is okay. But that should not be the reason to avoid eating more plant-based food.

Hopefully this cook book will nudge them to the right direction.

Under 15 dollar

Experiences & Goodwill Christmas Gift Ideas

You won’t find this on Amazon, but I highly recommend these in your Christmas gift ideas list. And I guarantee you that whoever gets this gift won’t complain.

9. Experiences

Eco-friendly Christmas gift ideas, yoga session

Remember, presents don’t have to be material.

How about we give each other experiences. Something you can do together may be. Massages, Yoga Passes, Cooking lesson, paint lesson, and the list goes on.

Afterall, what is more Christmassy than spending more time with loved ones.

10. Plant a tree gift certificate

Influencers like Mr. Beast have teamed up with Elon Musk and other influencers to plant 20 million trees and they have opened a platform for us to be a part of this afforestation movement.

You can get customized certificates to get a tree planted on a US National Forest. You can even name them in honor of or in memory of someone.

May be get an Evergreen or a Pine Tree planted this Christmas?

Check locally, if there are tree planting events that you can take part in.

Eco-friendly Christmas gift ideas, plant trees

Under 10 dollar

Let me know what you think about these items and what else do you think should make it to the list?

Comment below how you plan to make this Christmas a little more Greener this year. 

Don’t forget to share your Christmas gift ideas!!

In the mean time, check our post on 

How to stay Eco-friendly through Holiday Sale.

The Good Plant Hemp – Its Clothing, Benefits and History


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